Groundwater in Taiwan: Introduction

The shortage of surface water resources has been a global problem nowadays, and thus groundwater has become an important alternative to supply for human activities. In the last decades, water demands in Taiwan have increased drastically due to the rapid development of different socio-economic sectors, including: industry. Because of the uneven spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall and insufficient water storage facilities in Taiwan, groundwater has played an important role in agricultural productivity while remained as the ultimate source of freshwater at places where surface water has exhausted. Groundwater offers reliability and flexibility in access to water where irrigation canals fail to meet agricultural water demands. Prediction on the state of groundwater levels is critical for water resources planning and management (Tsai et al., 2016).

Taiwan groundwater region map


  • For more details: at here


Last month, WHRC led an expedition of international scientists down the Columbia River, the largest river in the Pacific Northwest. The trip was part of the Global Rivers Observatory, a project that WHRC runs in conjunction with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).

Scientists from WHRC and WHOI collaborate to monitor the vital signs of Earth’s most significant river systems, from tropical rivers such as the Amazon and the Congo, to the rivers that flow north and empty into the Arctic, such as the Kolyma, and the Lena. In all, the Observatory monitors 18 different watersheds.

Rivers are conduits of material and chemical flow from land to ocean, and they can tell a lot about the health of a watershed, according to WHRC Deputy Director Max Holmes, one of the leaders of the Global Rivers Observatory.

Xem thêm: WHRC scientists lead Columbia river research expedition

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                                                            Địa chỉ: Khu II, đường 3/2, p. Xuân Khánh, q. Ninh Kiều, TP. Cần Thơ
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