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  1. Lavane Kim, Jiasong Fang, Chittaranjan Ray and Tao Yan. 2011. Assessing the Severity of Ranifall Derived Infiltration and Inflow and Sewer Deterioration Based on the Flux Stability of Sewage Markers. Environmental Science and Technology 45 (20). 8683-8690.

  2. Soren Faurby, Kasper Sauer Kollerup Nielsen, Somchai Bussarawit, Itsara Intanai, Nguyen Van Cong, Cino Pertoldi, Peter Funch. 2011. Intraspecific shape variation in horseshoe crabs: The importance of sexual and natural selection for local adaptation. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 407, 131-138.

  3. Konnerup, D., Trang, N.T.D., and Brix, H. 2011. Treatment of fishpond water by recirculating horizontal and vertical flow constructed wetlands in the tropics. Aquaculture, 313: 57-64;

  4. Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Le Hoang Viet, Nguyen Dac Cu and Nguyen Huu Phong. 2011. Biogas Production of Pig Manure with Water Hyacinth Juice from Batch Anaerobic Digestion. In: Environmental Change and Agricultural Sustainability in the Mekong Delta, edited by Stewart M.A. and Coclanis P.A. Springer Science+Business Media B.V. DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-0934-8_20.

  5. Vo Quang Minh. 2011. The Rice Soil Fertility Capability Classification System (Excellent paper award). IJERD – International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development (2011) 2–1. ISERD- International Society of Environment and Rural Development. ISSN: 123-4532. pp: 7-12

  6. Ni, D. V., M. Peter-John, N. H. Thien, T. Triet, M.van der Schans, S. Deanne, T. Julian, J. Barzen and G. Shepherd. 2011. Development of a Fire and Water Management Strategy for the Tram Chim National Park, Vietnam. Water and Ecosystems, Vol 6 of Water in South Asia.

  7. Nguyen Hong Quan, Nguyen Dinh Giang Nam, Nguyen Tien Tung. 2011. IMOD guideline : Groundwater modeling.

  8. Dang Kieu Nhan, Nguyen Hieu Trung, and Nguyen Van Sanh. 2011. The Impacts of weather variability on rice and aquaculture production in the Mekong delta. Advances in Global Change Research, Vol. 45, Springer.

  9. Le Anh Tuan and Suppakorn Chinvanno. 2011. Climate Change in the Mekong River Delta and Key Concerns on Future Climate Threats. Springer.

  10. Louis Lebel, Bach Tan Sinh, Po Garden, Suong Seng, Le Anh Tuan and Duong Van Truc. 2011. The Promise of Flood Protection: Dikes and Dams, Drains and Diversions.

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