1. Environmental quality: Major group of environmental quality

The purpose:

  • Basic scientific research and application contribute to protect environment and sustainable development
  • Researching application supports and serves development of rural and society Mekong delta, for request of company and factories.
  • Basic research to serve for education and teaching

The principle:

  • Research strategies follow new, modern and current direction, company with climate change and society development, sustainable development and environmental protection.
  • Depend on demand of local and reality.
  • Interdisciplinary, combined with a variety of subjects and fields.
  • Environmental protection, livelihoods and livelihood diversification.
  1. Environmental ecology: Major group of environmental ecology


  • Major group of environmental ecology join in teaching subjects which relate on ecology and bio-resources in curriculum 120 credits of graduated and post-graduated.
  • Group also has teaching staffs to teach skill subjects such as statistics, scientific research method and activity skills in the scene.

Scientific research and manage laboratory activity

  • Application plant, aquatic organisms and available materials to treat waste water and use plant to make bio-embankment reducing erosion.
  • Develop garden- pond – sty –biogas model, cooperate local training, transfer technology on biogas and aquatic organisms field especially bio-diversity.
  • Study land and water environment and their interaction to organisms.
  • Advise and criticize for projects and local subjects.
  • Form sample collection of ecology resources.


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