Cooperation project





Surface water quality observatory of Mekong River

Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution (U.S.) Project leader: Pham Van Toan

The objective of the
project is to determine
several meteorological
parameters and collect
surface samples for
analyzing several water
quality parameters for
Mekong River

01/2024 –

(8.343 USD)

Forced and truncated agrarian transitions in Asia through the lens

of field size change

Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange between East and West, Inc.


Project leader: Vo QuocTuan

The objective of the

project is to conduct

group discussions and interviews with farmers in areas where there have been changes in rice cultivation systems to validate the results of

remote sensing magery interpretation, and to understand information about the rice farming system and its relationship with changes in socio-

economic conditions

and other natural conditions.

01/2024 –


5.917 USD

Groundwater for inclusive climate-resilient WASH


The Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney


Project leader: Nguyen Dinh Giang Nam

To generate new knowledge and tools supporting governments to develop and manage groundwater resources for inclusive, resilient services


6/2023 - 12/2024

79,970 AUD

Environmental, physical resilient assessment research for the flood-based livelihood models with nature based solutions in Vinh Dai and Thanh Hung communes, Tan Hung district, Long An province, Vietnam

WWF Vietnam


Project leader: Tran Sy Nam

To study and evaluate the physical and environmental resilience of the flood-based livelihood models with nature based solutions (NBS) in Vinh Dai and Thanh Hung communes, Tan Hung district, Long An province, Vietnam.


3/2023 – 01/2024

1.042.425.000 VNĐ

AI solutions for mangrove blue carbon in Vietnam

Science Foundation Ireland and the Department of Foreign Affairs


Project leader: Vo Quoc Tuan

Overall objective:

-To develop AI solutions to monitor mangrove forests and their carbon sequestration in Vietnam. The ultimate goal is to equip people with better means to adapt to global climate change.

 Specific objectives:

- Accurately map mangrove forests at a high resolution,

- Comprehensively assess carbon storage capacity of mangrove forests,

- Provide a near real-time mangrove monitoring system that supports mangrove management and restoration.

02/2023 - 7/2024

133.378 EUR

Developing an effective environmental and natural resource management program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)


Project leader: Ly Van Loi

The objectives of the project are: (i) to provide knowledge relating to greenhouse gas emission in the context of the Mekong Delta and the world; (ii) to improve capacity, particularly for alumni of the Environmental Management programme, who are key decision makers for greenhouse gas emission reduction; (iii) to document important inputs for achieving the national target of “net zero emissions” by 2050 and opening the national market for carbon trading; and (iv) to connect diverse stakeholders for sharing, learning, environmental research and natural resources management.

6/2022 – 9/2022

7.180 EUR

Investigation the current status of agricultural drones and the possibility of their widespread use in Mekong Delta

Yanmar Holdings Co., Ltd., Japan


Project leader: Vo Quoc Tuan

The objective of the project is to investigate the status of drones applications in agriculture of different groups and their widely used ability in the Mekong Delta

02/2022 – 3/2022

4.059 USD

Treatment of biogas effluent by vertical filter

Yuko Vietnam Co. Ltd


Project leader: Nguyen Xuan Loc

The project aims to evaluate efficiency of treating biogas effluent by vertical filter with sand, gravel and rice husk biochar in lab and pilot scale


240.000.000 VNĐ

Eichhornia crassipers)(Effect of Biogas-aerating recirculation on biogas production in a farm-scale biogas digester with water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)

Yuko Vietnam Co. Ltd


Project leader: Tran Sy Nam

The project aims to evaluate the effect of aerating recirculation on biogas production in a farm-scale improved HDPE biogas digester with water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes)


257.730.000 VNĐ


Capacity Building on Sustainable Shrimp Farming and Mangrove Restoration for Climate Resilient Rural Development in the Coastal Areas of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Faculty of Geo-information Science and Earth Observation, University of Twente (the Netherlands)


Project leader: Vo Quoc Tuan

The project aims to train and improve the capacity of Sustainable Shrimp Farming and Mangrove Restoration for Climate Resilient Rural Development in the Coastal Areas of the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

28/8/2021 - 30/6/2022

6.498 EUR

Renewable energy technologies and issues, challenges and social acceptance in ASEAN

Malaya University (Malaysia)

Project leader: Tran Sy Nam

The project aims to identify the main
renewable energy in the respective country, to analyze the technical and non-technical issues and challenges faced by the respective countries in implementing this
technology, to formulate solutions and suggestions to address the issues and challenges, and to analyze the social
acceptance and public perception of renewable energy in the respective country

 01/6/2021 –

USD 13,460

Promotion of action against marine plastic littering Asia and the Pacific - Countermeasure

Mae Fah Luang University (Thailand)

Project leader: Vo Quang Minh

The project aims to generate, share and disseminate scientific knowledge on plastic pollution in the Ganges, Mekong and selected rivers in Sri Lanka and other rivers in Asia, to inform policy and decision-making processes at local, national, regional and global level

 01/9/2021 –15/10/2021

 USD 4,200

GCRF_NF322 Ongoing impacts from the surge in sand mining during COVID-19: Enhanced river bank erosion hazard and risk in Vietnam’s Mekong delta


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

The project aims to survey and to map remote sensing locations in the Mekong River affected by sand mining from 2017 to present; to survey, evaluate and forecast the bank erosion of the Mekong River due to the impact of sand mining; and to assess the socio-economic status and land affected by erosion of the Mekong riverbank.

01/2021 -12/2021

GBP 30,968.93

Mekong River water quality observation

Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution – USA

Project leader: Pham Van Toan

The main objective of the project is to assess surface water quality for physio-chemical parameters, nutrients by isotope analysis method and sediment content in water at two locations (Tan Chau and Chau Doc) in the Mekong River.

01/2021 - 12/2021

USD 9,501

Mekong WET: Building resilience of wetlands in the lower Mekong region

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Project leader: Ly Van Loi

To apply ecosystem – based adaptation options to improve local communities and U Minh Thuong National Park capacity to cope with climate change threats; and enhance value of products relevant to the Ramsar site through the close collaboration among local farmers and U Minh Thuong National Park.

29/01/2021 - 29/8/2021

EUR 19,712

Climate change vulnerability assessment in Lung Ngoc Hoang Nature Reserve

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Project leader: Nguyen Thanh Giao

The main objective is to assess the vulnerability of ecosystems and livelihoods to climate change; and to find the solutions for enhancing resilience of ecosystems and livelihoods to the impacts of climate change.

29/01/2021 -29/8/2021

EUR 17,325

Energy saving shrimp farming systems in Vietnam

Yuko Viet Nam Co., Ltd.

To evaluate potential biomass sources and determine the biogas production efficiency of shrimp pond sludge mixed with plant biomass under laboratory conditions. Based on the results, the research team will cooperate with Yuko Vietnam Co., Ltd. to build an energy saving project in the intensive shrimp farming system in Vietnam.

04/12/2020 – 28/02/2021

VND 119.209.000

MARE: Marine Coastal and Delta sustainability for Southeast Asia

The University of Bremen (Germany) (cooperate)

To develop training programs that are adapted to the needs of employers and to standardize outcomes in international training programs to support coastal management and governance in a country. or transnational seas such as Malaysia and Viet Nam..

01/2020 -01/2023

EUR 75,172

Research the sedimentation of suspended sediment and water quality in rivers in the Mekong Delta

Wool Hole Oceanographic Institute (USA)

To collaborate on research related to the sedimentation of suspended sediments and water quality in rivers in the Mekong Delta.

01/2020 – 12/2020

USD 7,422.74

The Netherlands Water Partnership’s long-term supportive partnership for the Mekong Delta (BLUE DRAGON project)

Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP)

The goal of the project is to develop the Netherlands Water Partnership’s long-term supportive partnerships for the Mekong Delta.

2020 – 2022 (36 months)


Training on controlled burning methods and monitoring of changes in the natural environment due to controlled burning of vegetation in the feeding ground of G. a. sharpii, Tram Chim National Park

Worldwide Fund of Nature (WWF) in Viet Nam

The project aims to assess environmental changes (diversity of higher plants, soil animals and soil quality and food sources of Cranes) before and after controlled burning; Develop active burning methods and train staff of the National Park; Training to transfer reasonable proactive burning process to Tram Chim National Park; Participate in monitoring and follow-up during the burning process.

02/2019 – 7/2019

VND 129,000,000

Improved biogas cook stoves with higher efficiency at low biogas pressure without smoke and smell

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

To improve the stove using biogas: (i) increasing the durability of the stove, (ii) incorporating the igniter attached to the stove, (iii) improving the durability of the fan, and reducing the size of the stove. the fan inside the kitchen

8/2019 – 9/2020

VND 78,000,000

Optimizing the SubProM biomass digester for farm households to a commercial level

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

To improve the installation technique and optimize the HDPE biogas bag model for materials loaded from plant biomass of the project "Sustainable biogas production from waste straw (SubProM)"

8/2019 – 9/2020

VND 255,000,000

Agricultural transformation in Southeast Asia: Changes in rice farming from 1995 to 2018

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

To monitor the long-term changes and spatial variability of rice production systems, past and present rice production patterns, and to identify variables that are highly correlated with these changes. this change (socio-economic, labor, environment, climate, technology).

6/2019 – 12/2019

USD 15,000

Assessing the feasibility of livelihood planning adaptation to climate change in Ba Tri district, Ben Tre province

Global Greengrants Fund (USA)

To evaluate the feasibility of the current status of the planned livelihoods in the locality to conclude the advantages and disadvantages to make recommendations to support. communities have more suitable livelihoods

1/2018- 1/2019

USD 5,000

Land Use Planning Demonstration to implement Aichi Targets and Climate Resilience Building in Dong Thap Province

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Project leader: Duong Van Ni

To provide suitable farming techniques of Lotus - Fish, Lotus - Tourism and Lotus - Rice models; mechanization application in lotus cultivation; to support the process of land use planning that integrates biodiversity and climate change

9/2017 – 3/2018

USD 17,135

Ecosystem-based Coastal Spatial Panning Demonstration Project in Ca Mau province, Vietnam

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Project leader: Vo Quoc Tuan


The project aims to provide technical capacity and guidance to the provincial authorities and to enable them to present a conscious proposal on integrated coastal management, including coastal protection corridor and zoning of human uses to the provincial decision making body

5/2016 – 3/2017

USD 13,600

Salinity Advisory as a location-specific, Timely Service (SALTS)

The International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

The aim of the project is to develop the network and counseling for rice growers in salt-affected areas in Hau Giang and Bac Lieu provinces


USD 25,000

Developing youth's potential in environmental protection program

OXFAM Organization

Capacity building and knowledge enhancement for participants on current issues in the Mekong Delta. Specifically, the problem of water management in Tram Chim National Park, Dong Thap and Ha Tien Cement Company, Kien Giang. Putting knowledge into practice.

3/2015 – 6/2015

USD 5,000

Rise and Fall: Strategies for the subsiding and urbanizing Mekong Delta (Vietnam) facing increasing salt water intrusion  (Rise and Fall Project)

The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research

Strengthen the capacity of individuals and organizations to develop sustainable adaptation strategies to deal with uncontrolled groundwater extraction, subsidence and saltwater intrusion in developed urban areas in the Mekong Delta. The project aims to develop an integrated set of models aimed at analyzing the overall impact of natural processes as well as of internal development. (urbanization) in the study area.

2014 - 2019

EUR 88,200

Mangrove ecosystem services valuation-a combined approach of remote sensing and household survey analyses

The International Foundation for Science (IFS – Sweden)

The project aims to evaluate the total economic value of mangrove ecosystem services (specific study in Ca Mau province) by remote sensing method and combined household economic analysis

2013 - 2014

USD 12,000

Community-based urban flood and landslide management for Can Tho city

The Institute for Social and Environmental Transition (ISET)

The project objective (component 1.2) is to research and develop practical mechanisms to strengthen riverbanks and improve drainage canals, thereby enhancing resilience to climate change. consequences for vulnerable households in urban areas, especially those living near rivers and canals.

2013 - 2015

USD 31,165

Remote sensing and crop insurance (RIICE) image-based information system

The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Reduce the vulnerability of farmers in rice production, through better and cheaper information systems about crop growth that will lead to applications such as micro insurance schemes.

2012 - 2015

USD 30,000

Assessment of the current status and socio-economic value of natural fish resources in the lower Mekong River

The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

The objective of the project is to focus on assessing the value of wild fish resources and at the same time building a network to monitor and monitor this resource in the Mekong River basin, through guidance and financial support to do. Graduation theses of undergraduate and graduate students of regional cooperation universities.

2012 - 2015

AUD 36,689

    CARE Can Tho

Cooperate with Delta Academy Applied Research Centre, HZ University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands

This is a pilot project for exchange student, the goal of the project is to create conditions for Dutch students to come to Vietnam to conduct short-term internships (3 months) in professional fields related to finance. water resources and the environment. Dutch students will work with students of Can Tho University to carry out small studies and internships under the guidance and supervision of the staff of Can Tho University and other universities in the Netherlands.

2012 - 2013

Experimental project without budget

Sustainable production of biogas from waste rice straw  (SubProM)  

DANIDA Organization (Denmark)

To study the possibility of using abundant agricultural wastes (straw) and water hyacinth (WH) to produce sustainable and climate-friendly biofuels (biogas) in a process simple and low-cost biotechnology. In particular, the short-term goal is to research and optimize the biogas generation process from different pretreatment - chemical - biological methods of straw and water hyacinth.

2012 - 2016

DKK 2,396,708


The Research Institute for Development (France)

To increase efforts by exploring innovative modeling technology to improve the environment for planning decision-making, land use. Three components are used together: (1) joint research activities; (2) education and training at the master's level; (3) technology transfer.

2012 - 2014

EUR 32,000 (project budget’s managed by the college)

Research and Development of a small-scale drinking water supply system that can treat high turbidity raw water without chemicals (NEDO)

The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO – Japan)

The main purpose of this project is to develop jointly with Can Tho University a discrete water purification system for local
hospitals, schools, and villages that are not covered by the water-supply infrastructure development programs implemented by
the government and/or aid organizations, or having difficulty in independently maintaining/managing conventional-type water


JPY 13.971.000


VLIR Organization

The project aims to link the Southern and Northern Universities to build a high-quality master's training program. The specific goal is to test an educational exchange program as a stepping stone to associate training.


EUR 19,131

Validation Study of Rural development based on CDM in Mekong Delta  


The Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)

The project aims to contribute to sustainable rural development by expanding technical technologies including applying VACB model to people and conduct CDM project to reduce greenhouse gas through the VACB model




OXFAM Organization – USA

The project aims to contribute to food safety and income improvement through aquaculture and small-scale agricultural production models in Long Hoa commune, Tra Vinh by increasing and diversifying agriculture products, meeting the needs of the market while managing natural resources.


USD 150,000



Environment is one of the academic fields (Agriculture, Aquaculture, Environment, and related sections) which was chosen in the “Can Tho University Improvement” using ODA loans from the Japanese Government.

Project running time: 2015 – 2022

The project consists of the following components: Training, graduate training program development, scientific research, laboratory construction and equipment investment, university administration.


Can Tho University Improvement Project – Academic field: Environment



1.1 Training


   Short-term training

39 training sessions

   Doctoral training in Japan

14 academic personnel (related to Environment)

1.2. Graduated training


New M.Sc. program

01 program: Climate change and delta management

1.3. Scientific Research

Total expense: 29,4 billion VND

Number of projects

12 research projects


VND 1.36 – 4.329 billion per project

  Expected output

355 scientific papers (30% published on international journals); 16 books, 8 new technologies to be introduced; 4 technologies to be implemented; 8 conference/seminar; 500 researcher participants; 70 master’s degree holders to participate in research projects.

1.4. Building new laboratories and lab equipment procurement


In the high-tech laboratory building

2 lab groups

In the building complex

12 labs

At the College of Environment and Natural Resources

01 lab

Equipment investment

USD 5.855.734


The College of Engineering Technology, The College of Information and Communication Technology, The College of Economics, The College of Aquaculture and Fisheries, The College of Agriculture, Biotechnology Research and Development Institute.


Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Nagasaki University, Kagoshima University, University of Tokyo, Kyushu University, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Kyoto Institute of Technology





Project Leader

Running time



Water and Land Resources Monitoring

Prof. Vo Quang Minh




Analyzing and modelling water and land resources

Assoc. Prof. Van Pham Dang Tri




Evaluating changes of the agro-ecological changes under great threats of the in-situ development and climate change

Dr. Tran Sy Nam




Analysis of economic efficiency of natural resources uses and problems in natural resource uses and management

Assoc. Prof. Huynh Viet Khai (The College of Economics)




To study potential mitigation strategies to eliminate impacts of natural disasters on agriculture, aquaculture and water supply (including both urban & industry sections)

Assoc. Prof. Le Anh Tuan




To study possible techniques to treat soil, water and air pollution in the specific context of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta

Assoc. Prof. Pham Van Toan




To study changes of the farming systems to support elimination of pollutants added to the environment (including GHG)

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Huu Chiem




To study the planning and managing mechanism of rural, urban and industrial zones to eliminate the pollutant added to the environment (including GHG)

Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hoang




To study possible solutions to protect the existing biodiversity and natural resources

Dr. Duong Van Ni




To study the socio-economic feasibility of the climate change and environment-related solutions

Assoc. Prof. Vo Thanh Danh (The College of Economics)




To study the resilience of different farming systems in the context of extreme weather events and environmental degradation

Assoc. Prof. Le Tan Loi




Adaptation Strategies for Sustainable Uses of Natural Resources in The Context of Climate Change and Environmental Degradation

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Hieu Trung





Regarding AUN-QA assessment, there is an accreditation plan for all the undergraduate and graduate program in the CENRes until 2025. Self-assessments and external assessments have been conducted for one bachelor program of land management according to the AUN-QA standard in 2021. It has plan to conduct quality assurance for both AUN-QA standard and national standard in the coming year as follow:

  • 2021: bachelor programme of land management (AUN-QA standard, qualified and certified)
  • 2023: bachelor programme of Environment and Natural Resource Management (AUN-QA standard, in progress)
  • 2024: bachelor programme of Environment engineering (SAR in 2023, external assessments in 2024); master programme of Environment and Natural Resource Management (AUN-QA standard, in consideration)
  • From 2025 onwards: will be updated asas.

International standards are high priority of the selection.