The list of scientific research topics funded by Can Tho University

No. Title Leader Execution time
1 Study on the use of red basalt soils for the treatment of phosphorus in the wastewater for processing aquatic products Dr. Co Thi Kinh 01-12/2011
2 Examine the density of bacterial groups Aeromonas and Edwardsiella in the environment of catfish ponds (Pangsianodon hypophthalmus)in Can Tho and An Giang province MS. Nguyen Thi Nhu Ngoc 2010-2011
3 Effectiveness of handmade materials handling nitrogen and phosphorus in the wastewater of food processing factories. MS. Le Anh Kha 04/2011-12/2012
4 Study on ability of phosphorus adsorption of clam shell and ability to use as fertilizer for legumes. A.Prof, Dr. Ngo Thuy Diem Trang 01-12/2016
5 Greenhouse gases emission in U Minh Thuong National Park, Kien Giang Province. A.Prof, Dr. Nguyen Xuan Loc 01-12/2016
6 Building a model of sustainable use of community biogas renewable energy sources Dr. Tran Sy Nam 2019-2020
7 Nitrogen and carbon stable isotope characteristics of black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) cultured in different forms Dr. Nguyen Cong Thuan 2019-2020
8 Research to assess the current status and level of surface water pollution in Xang Thoi lake, Can Tho city MS. Nguyen Thi Nhu Ngoc 2021
9 Evaluation of salinity tolerance of some plant species serving the conversion of rice cultivation for rice farmers in the context of saltwater intrusion in the Mekong Delta MS. Pham Viet Nu 2021
10 Current situation and measures to reduce plastic waste at Can Tho University Dr. Nguyen Cong Thuan 2021

The list of scientific research topics at local level

No. Title Leader Execution time
1 Using enzyme cholinesterase to evaluate water contaminated with pesticides and the effect of pesticides on copperfish. (Channa striata) A.Prof, Dr. Nguyen Van Cong 2010-2012
2 Designing and manufacture of small-scale arsenic treatment equipment for rural areas in Tra Vinh province. A.Prof, Dr. Nguyen Huu Chiem 04/2009-06/2010
3 Assess a residue of pesticide on the organophosphate, carbamate and pyrethoide at senior river and canal in Hau Giang. A.Prof, Dr. Bui Thi Nga 2012-2014
4 Assess influence of dike system on soil productivity and load-bearing capacity of water sources for sustainable agricultural development A.Prof, Dr. Nguyen Huu Chiem 2013-2016
5 The assessment of surface water quality status of Xa No canal and the measures to manage and protect surface water quality of Xa No canal A.Prof, Dr. Nguyen Van Cong 01/2015-12/2015
6 Survey and analysis of marine ecosystems in Soc Trang Province. YEOS project coordinated with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Soc Trang province.
  • MS. Duong Tri Dung
  • Dr. Tran Sy Nam
  • A.Prof, Dr. Nguyen Huu Chiem
7 Building the application model of the biogas energy A.Prof, Dr. Bui Thi Nga  
8 Assessing the current situation and building models to improve the livelihoods of households in areas affected by saltwater intrusion and climate change in Hau Giang province A.Prof, Dr. Bui Thi Nga 2017-2019
9 Building a number of biological models for treatment of livestock waste at household scale in Ben Tre province A.Prof, Dr. Bui Thi Nga 2018
10 Current status and distribution characteristics of benthic and sedimentary animals in the Hau River water body (section through Mai Dam town) Chau Thanh district, Hau Giang province A.Prof, Dr. Nguyen Van Cong 2018-2019
11 Assesing the impact of flood control system for the productive power of the soil, load capacity and community health for sustainable agricultural development A.Prof, Dr. Nguyen Huu Chiem 2018-2021
12 Green Hau Giang project to 2025, vision to 2030 Dr. Nguyen Cong Thuan 2020
13 Proposing environmental control in the charcoal production area in Hau Giang province A.Prof, Dr. Nguyen Van Cong 2020

The list of scientific research topics at ministry level

No. Title  Leader Execution time
1 Study on the effect of wastewater after the treatment phase nitrogen and phosphorus with handmade materials to biomass algae. MS. Le Anh Kha 2010-2011
2 Completing the production process of household-scale biogas models in the rural area of the Mekong Delta. A.Prof, Dr. Bui Thi Nga 2015-2017
3 Study on wastewater treatment capacity of circulating intensive culture pond Litopenaeus vannamei of Typha Orientalis C. Presl and Scirpus sp. in the Mekong Delta. A.Prof, Dr. Ngo Thuy Diem Trang 2016

The list of published articles

Bui Thanh Luan, Nguyen Hong Khoa, Huynh Thi Hong Vet, Ngo Thuy Diem Trang. 2015. Effects of circulation speed on intensive tank water quality of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) combined with tectonic wetlands. Scientific journal of Can Tho University, 26 - 34, ISSN 1859 - 2333.

Bui Thi Nga, Duong Tri Dung, Taro Izumi. 2016. Physical and chemical characteristics in the water and in the sludge of the pond of snakeskin gourami fish with different types of food. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 50 - 57, ISSN 1859 - 4581.

Bui Thi Nga, Nguyen Hoang Nho. 2015. Using organic fertilizer and sewage sludge to grow root vegetables (Raphanus sativus). Scientific journal of Can Tho University, 111-118, ISSN 1859 - 2333.

Doan, N.P.N., and Trang, N.T.D., 2016. Dynamics of nitrogen in intensive whitelegshrimp (Litppenaeus vannamei) tank culture integrated with hybrid constructed wetlands. Can Tho University Journal of Science (in English), (2), p77-83. ISSN 1859-2333. 

Duong Mai Linh, Kenji Ishido, Tomohiko Taminatio, Nguyen Huu Chuoc, Nguyen Xuan Loc. 2016. Water management and methane emisison from rice cultivation: a case study in An Giang province, Vietnam. Science and technology. 54, 2A. 91-97.

Duong Tri Dung, Bui Thi Nga and Tran Duc Thanh. 2015. The development of animals floating in a pond of snakeskin gourami fish (Trichogaster pectoralis). Scientific journal of Can Tho University, 9-17, ISSN 1859 - 2333.

Huynh Cong Khanh, Tran Sy Nam, Nguyen Van Dao, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Thuy. Research on using sludge of composting seafood processing plant combined with straw and water hyacinth. Science magazine of Danang University, No. 3 (112) .2017, Book 2. ISSN 1859-1531

Huynh Thach Sum, Truong Thi Nga and Le Nhat Quang. 2016. Survey of adaptive characteristics of Nang Kim and Nang Tong in Tram Chim National Park. Scientific journal of Can Tho University, 134-141, ISSN 1859 - 2333.

Lam Thien Toan, Truong Thi Nga and Le Nhat Quang. 2016. The relationship between some soil chemical properties and the growth of Mai Duong tree in Tram Chim National Park. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 85-92, ISSN 1859-4581.

Le Minh Long, Hans Brix and Ngo Thuy Diem Trang. Use of drugs and chemicals in intensive shutchi catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthamus) ponds in Dong Thap, Vietnam. Scientific journal of Can Tho University, 18-25, ISSN 1859 - 2333.

Le Thi Ngoc Ly, Nguyen Xuan Loc, Do Thi My Linh, Nguyen Huu Chuoc 2016. Biological characteristics of poon trees calophyllum inophyllum l. và nó giải phóng cơ sở dữ liệu dùng như là thiết bị bắt đầu cho tạo biodiesel. Science Journal of Can Tho University. Renewable Energy 2016. 7-10.

Long, L.M., Brix, H., andTrang, N.T.D., 2015. Status of chemical and antibiotic use in intensive catfishPangasianodon hypophthamus farms in An Giang Province, Vietnam. An Giang University Journal of Science (in English). Special Issue 4 (4): 19-25. 

Ngo Thuy Diem Trang, Trieu Thi Thuy Vi, Le Nguyen Anh Duy, Tran Sy Nam, Le Anh Kha and Pham Viet Nu, 2017. Effects of heating temperature on phosphorus adsorption capacity of blood cockle powder. Science Magazine, Can Tho University.

Ngo Thuy DiemTrang, Bui Thanh Luan, Nguyen Hong Khoa and Hans Brix. The effects of tectonic wetland system on water quality and the growth of intensive shrimp (Litppenaeus vannamei) in closed circulatory system. Science Magazine, Can Tho University, 43b: 116-124.

Nguyen Anh Tuan, Nguyen Van Cong and Chau Thanh Tuoi (2015). Effects of pesticides containing chlorpyrifos ethyl on chilinesterase in seeded snakehead fish. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology9, 33-37

Nguyen Phan Nhan, Bui Thi Nga, Pham Van Toan. 2016. Characteristics of bottomless invertebrate in some marine areas affecting agricultural cultivation in Hau province

Nguyen Phan Nhan, Bui Thi Nga, Pham Van Toan. 2016. Composition of bottomless invertebrate species and relationship with residues of plant protection drugs - case study: System of intra-field canal and canal of Hau Giang province. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 96 - 103, ISSN 1859 - 4581.

Nguyen Thi Thuy Nhung, Truong Thi Nga and Le Nhat Quang. 2016. Assessing the water quality of shrimp and mangrove forest models in and outside the sea dike in Hoa Binh district, Bac Lieu province. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 93-100, ISSN 1859-4581.

Nguyen Van Manh, Bui Thi Nga. 2015. Using organic fertilizer in the sludge of shrimp pond to grow Brassica integrifolia in Dam Doi district, Ca Mau province with a farm size. Scientific journal of Can Tho University, 50 - 57, ISSN 1859 - 2333.

Nguyen Van Tuyen, Pham Van Toan, Nguyen Huu Chuoc, Le Anh Tuan and Van Pham Dang Tri. 2015. Calculation of storage water to irrigate corn crops in the dry season in Chau Phu district, An Giang province. Scientific journal of Can Tho University, 174 - 182, ISSN 1859 - 2333.

Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Tran Sy Nam, Nguyen Huu Chiem, Le Hoang Viet and Kjeld Ingvorsen, 2015. Effects of C/N ratioson anaerobic co-digestion of pig manure and local biomass in the Mekong Delta. Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vol 53(3A): 223-228.

Pham Quoc Nguyen, Doan Chi Linh, Truong Quoc Phu and Nguyen Van Cong. Evaluate the possibility of removing pollutants in  shutchi catfish ponds (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) by water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on surface-flow wetland models. Scientific journal of Can Tho University, 58 - 70, ISSN 1859 - 2333.

Pham Viet Nu, Bui Thi Nga, Taro Izumi. 2015. Using biogas bag waste water with loading materials is pig manure and mudweed (Pistia stratiotes) cultivating chili (Capsicum frutescens) Scientific journal of Can Tho University, 35-40, ISSN 1859 - 2333.

Phan Phuoc Toan, Nguyen Trung Thanh and Ngo Thuy Diem Trang. 2016. Features and methyl orange adsorption capacity of activated rice husk ash. Scientific journal of Can Tho University, No. 42a (2016), 50-57. ISSN: 1859 - 2333

Tran Chan Bac, Nguyen Xuan Loc.2015. Usage of spirulina sp. for removing nitrate and phosphate from wastewater of intensive pangasianodon hypophthmus culture. Sciences and technology. 53, 3A. 79-84. 

Tran Sy Nam, Huynh Cong Khanh, Huynh Van Thao, NguyenVo Chau Ngan, Le Hoang Viet, Nguyen Huu Chiem and Kjeld Ingvorsen, 2015. Biogas production from rice straw and water hyacinth – the effect of mixing in semi-continuous reactors. Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vol 53(3A): 217-222.

Tran Sy Nam, Huynh Van Thao, Huynh Cong Khanh, Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Le Hoang Viet, Nguyen Huu Chiemand Kjeld Ingvorsen, 2015. The components of volatile fatty acids in semi-continuous anaerobic co-digestion of rice straw and water hyacinth and pig manure. Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vol 53 (3A): 229-234.

Tran Sy Nam, Huynh Van Thao, Huynh Cong Khanh, Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Nguyen Huu Chuoc, Le Hoang Viet and Kjeld Ingvorsen, 2015. Assessing the ability to use straw and water hyacinth in semi-continuous anaerobic composting - application used on small-scale polyethylene biogas digester. Science Journal of Can Tho University Part A: Natural Science, Technology and Environment, No. 36. 27-35.

Tran Sy Nam, Huynh Van Thao, Nguyen Phuong Chi, Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Nguyen Huu Chiemand Kjeld Ingvorsen, 2015. Improved biogas production from water hyacinth by co-digestion with pig manure – effect of pretreatment. In Proceeding the 3rd International Symposium on Formulation of the Cooperation Hub for Global Environmental Studies In the Indochina Region & The 10th Inter-University Workshop on Education and Research Collaboration in the Indochina Region at Danang University. p66.

Tran Sy Nam, Nguyen Phuong Chi, Nguyen Huu Chuoc, Le Hoang Viet, Nguyen Vo Chau Ngan, Kjeld Ingvorsen. 2015. Influence of water hyacinth pretreatment methods (Eichhornia crassipes) on biogas production capacity in anaerobic composting in batches with mixed pig manure. Scientific journal of Can Tho University, 102 - 110, ISSN 1859 - 2333.o    Trang, N.T.D., and Hoa, L.N.N., 2016. Ability to treat wastewater in intensive catfish ponds of  Tagetes patula and Chrysanthemum spp. Science Journal, An Giang University, 11c (3): 102-109

Trang, N.T.D., Binh, D.Q., and H. Brix, 2015. Potentialuse of Pistia stratiotes for removing nutrients from fish pond water in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Journal of Science & Technology, 53 (3A): 73-78 (In English). Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology.

Trang, N.T.D., Hoa, L.N.N., Khoa, N.D., Brix, H., 2015. Use of floating wetlands in close-to-zero discharge intensive striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) tank culture. An Giang University Journal of Science(in English). Special Issue 4 (4): 79-85.

Trang, N.T.D., Long, L.M., Quynh, D.T.T., and H. Brix, 2016. Constructed wetlands asbiofilters in closed recirculating tank culture systems of Asian tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon). Journal of Science & Technology 54 (2A): 84-90 (In English). Vietnam Academy of Science & Technology.

Truong Thi Nga, Tran Thi Kim Son and Nguyen Hoang Oanh. 2016. Current status of chilli cultivation and some chemical properties of chili growing soil in the area of ​​thorough dike of Kien An, Cho Moi and An Giang communes Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 126-132, ISSN 1859-4581.o    Ngon Thao, Truong Thi Nga. 2015. Assessment of yield of deciduous trees of Rhizophora apiculata, Bruguirea parviflora and Avicennia alba at Ong Trang dune, Vien Anh commune, Ngoc Hien district, Ca Mau province. Scientific journal Can Tho University, 1-8, ISSN 1859 - 2333.


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