International cooperation

Department of Environmental Science has performed cooperation program with foreign organizations on fields related to development of argiculture and rural under the clean development mechanism and solve issues in environmental pollution.

  1. JIRCAS-CTU project: implementing the rural development program under the clean development mechanism. The project was started in 2008 with the researches on water environment, soil environment and the production activities of 273 households in My Phung hamlet, My Khanh village, Phong Dien district, Can Tho city. The result of the assessment was published in doccument “Study on the rural development based on clear development mechanism (2012)”. Basing on that basis, the project was expanded the program for the whole Phong Dien district, Binh Thuy district and Cai Rang district.
  2. JIRCAS- phrase 2 project: “Development of agricultural techniques to adapt to climate change”. Director: Nguyen Huu Chiem.

Next, the project conducts the greenhouse gas emission reduction program on the field and in breeding herbivores.

The project also conducts the research on building the farming model for the upstream provinces where there are water excess in the flood season and lack of water in the dry season to solve difficulties above.

   3. SubProM Project: the project conducts researches on the ability to use wastes available in agricultural production such as straw and water hyacinth to produce bio-fuels (biogas) which are sustainable and friendly with environment under simple and low cost biotech processes. Director: Nguyen Huu Chiem.

   4. WWF project: the department of Environmental Science cooperates with WWF –Vietnam organization to support exported Shutchi catfish farms which are registering ASC certification to reduce environmental pollution in production and increase product’s price in the international market.

   5. IFS project: “The sustainable management of water resources in the climate change context: Handling and reusing aquaculture water by ecological technology in coastal areas in Mekong Delta, Vietnam”.

   6. ISET project: “The management of floods and landslides in the community-based urban for can tho city”. Participant: Nguyen Van Cong.

   7. Updating endangered species distribution & conservation in the Mekong delta provinces (Project code: VN097601 –VZ6109).Funded by WWF-Vietnam, Director: Nguyen Van Cong

   8. Environment assessment for mangrove shrimp project sites and sustainable management plan for organic certification in Ca Mau province. Funded by SNV,director: Nguyen Van Cong

   9. Project "Evaluating the biogas generating capacity of industrial shrimp pond sludge combined with available plant biomass sources in Tien Giang province" (duration: 12/2020 - 2/2021. Director: Tran Sy Nam

  10. Evaluation of the impact of environmental parameters on shrimp productivity in the wild shrimp system at different forest ages in Ca Mau (WWF- Vietnam). Director: Ngo Thuy Diem Trang

  11. JIRCAS project period 2021-2025: "Developing integrated agricultural techniques to adapt to climate change". Director: Nguyen Van Cong.

  12. Sustainable agricultural of rural areas in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam and mountainous areas, Japan by community-based action for effective utilization of biological waste resources. Director: Nguyen Cong Thuan, period: 2020 – 2022

  13. Survey of challenges and social acceptance of renewable energy use. Director: Tran Sy Nam, period: 2021 – 2022

  14. Research the potential of nature-based water treatment. Participant: Ngo Thuy Diem Trang.


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