1. Personal details

Full name: VO Quang Minh

Gender (M/F): M

Date of birth: 02-01-1962

Educational degree (PhD, MSc): PhD

Year obtained: 2007

Title (Prof., Assoc. Prof., etc): Assoc. Prof.

Year confered: 2010

Position: Head of Department

Year confered:

Institution & Department: Department of Land Resources, College of Environment and Natural Resources, Can Tho University, Vietnam

Address: 3/2 Street, Can Tho City, Vietnam

Mobile phone: +84 913604101


Home address:  54, B21 street, 91B Residential Quarter,  Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City, Vietnam


II. Qualifications (training)


Academic institutions


Academic degree


Cantho University, Vietnam

Soil Sciences



University of Phillippines at Los Banos,  The Philippines

Soil Sciences

Master of Sciences


Can Tho University, Vietnam




* Language   













III. Professional working experience

Years (from ... to ...)

Institution and address

Position and Responsibilities

1983 - 1992

Department of Land Sciences, College of Cultivation, Can Tho University



University of Phillippines at Los Banos,  The Philippines

Master Student

1995 -2008

Department of Soil Science and Land Management, College of Agricultural and Aplied Biology, Can Tho University

Deputy of Department



PhD Candidate at Can Tho University

2008 - 2009

Department of Land Resources, College of Agricultural and Aplied Biology, Can Tho University

Head of Department

2010 to present

Department of Land Resources, College of Environment and Natural Resources, Can Tho University

Head of Department

  1. Expertise and research interests

1. Research projects/programs participating or leading relevant to the field of study

Project/program title


(from … to …)


(national, ministerial, institutional, Int'l collaborative)

Position/role in the project (principal or member)

Mangrove forest changes using aerial imagery in the Mekong delta



MHO8 project, The Netherlands

Program Director

Development of new technologies and their practice for sustainable farming systems in the Mekong delta.




Decision-support Research for Environmental Applications and Models (DREAM)


Funded by IRD, FRANCE


Remote Sensing-based Information and Insurance for Crops in Emerging Economies


Cantho University

(RIICE-IRRI project,

Los Banos, Philippines)










  1. List of publications (listed as reference format)
  2. a) Book chapters
  3. b) Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Publication (Only from 2010)

Vo Quang Minh, Le Quang Tri. 2010. Rice soil fertility classification and constraint in the Mekong delta (Excellent paper award).

IJERD – International journal of Environment and rural development. ISERD-International Society of Environmental and Rural Development. ISSN 2185-159X. 91-97

Phan Kieu Diem, Nguyen thi hong Diep, Vo Quang Minh. 2010. The statement of calamity and disaster in the Mekong delta. Mapping, Managing, and Mitigation of natural disasters. Proceeding of 3rd International conference on Geoinfomation technology for natural disaster management, ISBN 978-616-90698-0-5. International Journal of Informatics. ISSN 1686

6576pp: 2-5

Vo Quang Minh. 2011. The Rice Soil Fertility Capability Classification System (Excellent paper award). IJERD – International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development (2011) 2–1. ISERD- International Society of Environment and Rural Development. ISSN: 123-4532. pp: 7-12

Vo Quoc Tuan, S. Gebhardt, Vo Quang Minh, J. Huth, C. Kuenzer. 2011. How Remote Sensing Supports Economic Evaluation of Mangrove Ecosystem . In: Proceeding of 31st Asian Conference on Remote sensing 2010 (ACRS 2010), Hanoi, Vietnam, 1-5 November 2010 Volume 1 of 2. ISBN: 978-1-61782-397-8, pp 160-165

Vo Quang Minh. 2011.The Relationship of WORLDVIEW Satellite Image Digital Number With Land Cover and Peat Soil Occurrence in U Minh Ha Natural Forest, Camau Province. In : Proceeding of 31st Asian Conference on Remote sensing 2010 (ACRS 2010), Hanoi, Vietnam, 1-5 November 2010 Volume 1 of 2. ISBN: 978-1-61782-397-8, pp 1048-1053

N.T. Son, C.F. Chen, C.R. Chen, L.Y. Chang, V.Q. Minh. 2012. Monitoring agricultural drought in the LowerMekong Basin using MODIS NDVI and land surface temperature data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 18 (2012) 417–427.

Quoc Tuan Vo, C. Kuenzer, Quang Minh Vo, F. Moder, N. Oppelt. 2012. Review of valuation methods for mangrove ecosystem services. Journal of Ecological Indicators 23 (2012) . Pages 431-446

Phan Kieu Diem, Vo Quang Minh, Nitin Kumar Tripathi. 2012. Application GIS and remote sensing for monitoring the changing of coral reef at Tam Hai commune, Nui Thanh district, Quang Nam province. Proceeding of International Conference on Geomatics for spatial Infrastructure development in Earth and Allied Sciences-GIS-IDEAS 2012. HoChiMinh City16- 20/October/2012. JVGC (Japan-Vietnam GeoInformatics Consortium) Technical Document No 8. Pp: 181-186

Quoc Tuan Vo, C. Kuenzer, Quang Minh Vo, F. Moder, N. Oppelt. 2012. Review of valuation methods for mangrove ecosystem services. Journal of Ecological Indicators. 23 (2012) 431-446

N.T. Son, C.F. Chen, C.R. Chen, L.Y. Chang, V.Q. Minh. 2012. Monitoring agricultural drought in the Lower Mekong and land surface temperature data. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 18. Vol 14. Issue 1. ISSN 0303-2434. February (2012). 417–427

Andrew Nelson, Tri Setiyono, Arnel B. Rala, Emma D. Quicho, Jeny V. Raviz, Prosperidad J. Abonete, Aileen A. Maunahan, Cornelia A. Garcia, Hannah Zarah M. Bhatti, Lorena S. Villano, Pongmanee Thongbai, Francesco Holecz, Massimo Barbieri, Francesco Collivignarelli, Luca Gatti, Eduardo Jimmy P. Quilang, Mary Rose O. Mabalay, Pristine E. Mabalot, Mabel I. Barroga, Alfie P. Bacong, Norlyn T. Detoito, Glorie Belle Berja, Frenciso Varquez, Wahyunto, Dwi Kuntjoro, Sri Retno Murdiyati, Sellaperumal Pazhanivelan, Pandian Kannan, Petchimuthu Christy Nirmala Mary, Elangovan Subramanian, Preesan Rakwatin, Amornrat Intrman, Thana Setapayak, Sommai Lertna, Vo Quang Minh, Vo Quoc Tuan, Trinh Hoang Duong, Nguyen Huu Quyen, Duong Van Kham, Sarith Hin, Touch Veasna, Manoj Yadav, Chharom Chin, Nguyen Hong Ninh, 2014: Towards an Operational SAR-Based Rice Monitoring System in Asia: Examples from 13 Demonstration Sites across Asia in the RIICE Project. Remote Sensing. 01/2014; 6(11):10773-10812.

N.T. Son, C.F. Chen, C.R. Chen, Võ Quang Minh, Nguyễn Hiếu Trung. 2014. A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF MULTITEMPORAL MODIS EVI AND NDVI DATAFOR LARGE-SCALE RICE YIELD ESTIMATION. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 197. 52-64.

Nguyen Thanh Son, Nguyen Hieu Trung, Vo Quang Minh, C.F. Chen , C.R. Chen. 2014. A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF MULTITEMPORAL MODIS EVI AND NDVI DATA FOR LARGE-SCALE RICE YIELD ESTIMATION. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 197. 52-64

  1. Van, N. Wilson, Vo Quang Minh, H. Thanh-Tung, K. Quisthoudt, L. Xuan-Tuan, F. Dahdouh-Guebas, N. Koedam. 2014. Changes in mangrove vegetation area and character in a war and land use change affected region of Vietnam (Mui Ca Mau) over six decades. Acta Oecologica. 63 (2015) 71e81. Pp 71-81.

Truong, Q.C., Taillandier, P., Gaudou, B., Vo, M.Q., Nguyen, T.H., Drogoul, A., 2016. Exploring Agent Architectures for Farmer Behavior in Land-Use Change. A Case Study in Coastal Area of the Vietnamese Mekong Delta, in: Gaudou, B., Sichman, J.S. (Eds.), Multi-Agent Based Simulation XVI, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer International Publishing, pp. 146–158. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-31447-1_10



? 1st Price “Application of GIS in plant protection database management for rice pest and insect early warning”. 2007. New Science and technology ideas competition. People committy of Cantho City.

  1. Other information
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