Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.x



  1. Personal details

Full name: LE QUANG TRI

Gender (M/F):  M

Date of birth: 01/03/1956

Educational degree (PhD, MSc): PhD.

Year obtained: 1996

Title (Prof., Assoc. Prof., etc): Professor

Year confered: 2011

Position: Director

Year confered: 2008

Institution & Department: Reserach Institute for Climate Change, Can Tho University

Address: Campus 2,  Cantho University, 3-2 Street, Cantho City, Vietnam

Mobile phone: 0918025643


Home address:  Plot 130, No.11 street, HungThanh ward, CaiRang district, CanTho city

Tel.:  None

II. Qualifications (training)


Academic institutions


Academic degree


In Agricultural Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Environmental Sciences,



ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands




Cantho University, Vietnam




* Language    (rating: A- Poor/ deficient; B- Fair; C- Sufficient; D- Fluent)













III. Professional working experience

Years (from ... to ...)

Institution and address

Position and Responsibilities

1979 - 1983

Soil sciences Department, College of Agriculture, Can Tho University



Soil sciences Department, College of Agriculture, Can Tho University

Head of Soil mapping section


College of Agriculture, Can Tho University

Vice Dean

2006 – 2008

College of Agriculture, Can Tho University

Vice Rector and Dean

2008 - 2012

Research Institute for Climate Change, Can Tho University

Vice Rector, and Director

2012 up today

Research Institute for Climate Change, Can Tho University




  1. Expertise and research interests

1. Research projects/programs participating or leading relevant to the field of study

Project/program title


(from … to …)


(national, ministerial, institutional, Int'l collaborative)

Position/role in the project (principal or member)

“Integrated Management of Coastal Resources in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam”


1996 - 2005

Funded by NUFFIC, The Netherlands

Secretary (1996-2002) and director (2002-2005) of project

“Optimization of Nutrient Dynamics and Animals for Integrated Farming” (INREF POND project)


funded by NUFFIC, The Netherlands

Project Director

The Mekong future


funded by CSIRO, Australia

Project Director

Climate Adaptation through Sustainable Urban Development – Vietnam case study project


funded by CSIRO (Australia)

Project Director

CLUES project “Climate Change Affecting Land Use in the Mekong Delta : Adaptation of Rice-based Cropping Systems 


IRRI (funded by ACIAR, Australia)

National project Director

Climate change and drinking water supply in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam


funded by Vitens Evides International, The Netherlands

Project Director

Improving the sustainability of rice-shrimp farming systems in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam


funded by ACIAR, Australia

Project Director

  1. List of publications (listed as reference format)
  2. a) Book chapters
  • Zijpp, A.J. van der, Verreth, J.A.J, Le Quang Tri, Mensvoort M.E.F. van, Bosma, R.H., Beveridge, M.C.M., (2007). Fish ponds in farming systems. Wageningen Academic publishers. ISBN-13: 978-90-8686-013-5. The Netherlands, 2007.
  • Memsvoort M.E.F. van, and Le Quang Tri (2000). Selected Papers of the Workshop on Integrated Management of Coastal Resources in the Mekong Delta. Wageningen University, The Netherlands. PRODUCTION ECOLOGY & RESOURCE CONSERVATION. ISBN 90-6754-674-7.
  • Thục, K. Neefjes, T.T.T. Hương, N.V. Thắng, M. T. Nhuận, L.Q. Trí, L.Đ. Thành, H.T.L. Hương, V.T. Sơn, N.T.H. Thuận, L. N. Tường, 2015. Viet Nam special report on managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change adaptation. Vietnam Publish House of Natural Resources, Environment and Geography [online].
  1. b) Articles in peer-reviewed journals since 2000 (international journal)
  • Le Quang Tri, Nguyen Van Sanh, Nguyen Thi Song Binh, Vo Van Ha, 2002. Socio-Economic Aspects of farming systems in Vinh Loi, Thanh Phu, and Dam Doi districts, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Selected papers of the workshop on Integrated Management of Coastal Resources in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Wageningen University. ISBN 90-6754-674-7. Page: 17–28
  • Le Tan Loi, Le Quang Tri, Jean Tee, 2002. Biomass of Rhizophora apiculata and soil characteristics in the coastal area of Ca Mau province, Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Selected papers of the workshop on Integrated Management of Coastal Resources in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. Wageningen University. ISBN 90-6754-674-7. Page: 45 – 56.
  • Vo Quang Minh, Le Quang Tri, Yamada. Delineation and incorporation of socio-infrastructure database into GIS for land use planning: A case study of Tan Phu Thanh, Chau Thanh, Can Tho. Paper presented to 2nd MAPASIA 2003 Conference. Kualalumpur, Malaysia.
  • Vo Quang Minh, Le Quang Tri, Yamada. Classification of alluvial soil area for land use planning of the Mekong Delta. In : Development of new technologies and their practice for sustainable farming systems in Mekong Delta. JIRCAS Working report No. 26. ISSN 1341-710X. pp: 73-80.
  • Le Quang Tri, Vo Quang Minh, Tran Kim Tinh, 2003. Land evaluation and land use planning of the area for rice-shrimp system, Gia Rai district, Bac Lieu province. Editors: Nigel Preston and Helena Clayton: Rice-Shrimp farming in the Mekong Delta: biophysical and socio-economic issues. ACIAR Technical Reports 52. ISBN 1 86320 365 6. Canberra.
  • Le Quang Trí, van Mensvoort, 2004. Decision trees for farm management on acid sulphate soils, Mekong Delta. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 2004, No. 42. CSIRO Publishing. Page: 671-681.
  • Nguyen Hieu Trung, Le Quang Tri, Bregt, Campbel, 2006. Participatory land use planning (PLUP). Proceedings “2004 AFITA/WCCA”. Published by Hydro and Agro Informatics Institute, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand.
  • Le Quang Tri, M.E.F. Mensvoort, 2007. Participatory approaches in the Mekong Delta, Viet Nam. In: Fishpond in farming systems. Edited by: A.J.van der Zijpp, J.A.J Verreth, Le Quang Tri, M.E.F.van Mensvoort, R.H. Bosma, M.C.M. Beveridge. Wageningen Academic Publishers. ISBN-13: 978-90-8686-013-5. Page: 229-242.
  • Verreth, Johan A.J; Roel H. Bosma; Malcolm Beveridge, Le Quang Tri, M.E.F. Mensvoort and Akke J. van der Zijpp, 2007. Strategies to enhance the role of fishponds in farming systems. In: Fishpond in farming systems. Edited by: A.J.van der Zijpp, J.A.J Verreth, Le Quang Tri, M.E.F.van Mensvoort, R.H. Bosma, M.C.M. Beveridge. Wageningen Academic Publishers. ISBN-13: 978-90-8686-013-5. Page: 295-304.
  • Phong L.T., A.A. van Dam, H.M.J. Udo, M.E.F. van Mensvoort, Q.Tri, F.A. Steenstra, A.J. van der Zijpp, 2010. An agro-ecological evaluation of Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Systems in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environment Journal. Journal homepage: ELSEVIER journal. pp. 232-241.
  • Le Thanh Phong, Henk Udo, M. E.F. Mensvoort, Le Quang Tri and J. van der Zijpp, 2007. Quantitative agro-ecological indicators and productive performance of Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture systems in the Mekong Delta. In: Fishpond in farming systems. Edited by: A.J.van der Zijpp, J.A.J Verreth, Le Quang Tri, M.E.F.van Mensvoort, R.H. Bosma, M.C.M. Beveridge. Wageningen Academic Publishers. ISBN-13: 978-90-8686-013-5. Page: 135-146.
  • Vo Quang Minh, Le Quang Tri, 2010. Rice soil fertility Classification and Constraints in the Mekong Delta. International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development (2010)1-1. IJERD, pp. 91-07.
  • Smajgl, T. Q. Toan, Dang Kieu Nhan, J. WardNguyen Hieu TrungLe Quang Tri, Van Pham Dang Tri, Pham Thanh Vu, 2015. Responding to rising sea levels in the Mekong Delta. Journal of Nature Climate Change. DOI:10.1038/nclimate2469(2015), pp 167–174.
  1. Other information (if any)
  • Research gate: (by 20/05/2017 -dd-mm-yy)

Score: 17.68; Citation: 1020

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